Hi! My name is Karen Dear, and I serve as the Faith Formation Administrative Coordinator working directly with Joyce Blum, Director of Faith Formation.

My husband, daughter, and I were received into the fullness of faith in 2023 as former Methodists and have been part of the St. Michael’s community since September of 2022. Outside of work, I have been active in facilitating Christ-centered 12-Step recovery groups, and as a Catholic, I now facilitate Catholic in Recovery (CIR), a national ministry that integrates the sacramental life of the Church with 12-Step recovery for those seeking help and hope from issues like addiction. I am honored to serve on CIR’s national writing team, contributing to daily reflections and the Rosary Reflections book published by Ave Maria Press. I also serve on CIR’s National Advisory Circle, supporting their Board of Directors.

My family and I feel incredibly blessed to be thriving members of the St. Michael community. My husband, John, serves on the Pastoral Council, and I am grateful to sing and serve as a cantor for the St. Michael choir. Above all, my favorite role is being a mother to my teenage daughter and a wife to my husband of over 20 years.

One of my favorite Scripture passages is the Annunciation, where the dialogue between St. Gabriel and the Blessed Mother inspires my own “yes” to God. Mary’s faith and devotion to her son are powerful examples for all of us as we strive to listen to the voice of the Good Shepherd and share the Good News with others. Mary and Jesus led our family to St. Michael, and I rejoice in the love of Christ through her intercession.

Working at St. Michael feels like being with family—the body of Christ—serving in His Kingdom and walking together to support the parish community. It truly is a glimpse of heaven on earth, and I am abundantly grateful for this opportunity.

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