RCIA 2024 - 2025 SCHEDULE

Sessions begin on September 8th.  For more information, please contact Bill Burns at [email protected].


June 16, 2024 | 11:45am - 12:45pm (After 10:30am Mass) | Parish Center

July 14, 2024 | 11:45am - 12:45pm (After 10:30am Mass) | Parish Center


RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, which is the Church's official process for becoming Catholic. It is the way in which we prepare adults to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation), but it is also so much more than just instruction: it's also a community of fellow disciples discerning and growing together.

The most important thing to note is that RCIA is a discernment journey, not a commitment. Your commitment comes at the time of receiving the sacraments and accepting the faith - prior to that, this is a time to explore. There is no pressure for you to join us just because you attend RCIA; in fact, that's kind of the point - to discern if this is what God is calling you to and to learn more about what Catholics believe. The staff at St. Michael's and our RCIA volunteers are here to support you in that discernment process.

Candle, chalice, and dove


There are so many reasons! It's hard to narrow down, but here are the first five that come to mind:

  • The Eucharist: You really can't beat the presence of Jesus' Body and Blood, offered for you at each Mass. (If you are unfamiliar with Catholicism, this may come as a surprise to you, but we believe that Jesus is actually, really present in the Eucharist, not in a spiritual or symbolic way, but really and truly present.)
  • Tradition: It's the Church founded by Jesus Christ. We can trace our lineage right back to the Last Supper, Passion, and Resurrection, and we get to live out that call in a very special way each day.
  • Community: Having a faith family that supports you in good times and in bad is something that is so incredibly powerful. Humanity was made for community, and church community is the epitome of that connection that we naturally crave.
  • The Sacraments: Besides the Eucharist, the other sacraments heal us and help us in our unique vocations and callings. There's nothing more beautiful and humbling than committing your life to God in the service of others or receiving the life-altering mercy of Jesus through the priest in confession.
  • Answers: Life is...interesting. Sometimes, things come our way that we just don't understand. Being Catholic doesn't mean that you have all of the answers, but you do have the resources to help find out.

But of course we're going to say that being Catholic is great. It's kind of what we do. What about regular people, just like you?

I AM....

I was a Presbyterian for 60 years before I converted to Catholicism in 2016. Although I have always believed in GOD and the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross, my understanding was not very deep. That began to change with RCIA. I started to see so many connections between events foretold in Old Testament that were fulfilled in the New Testament. The origin of the 7 Sacraments was revealed to me through the scriptures as were practices in the Mass. During our one year of RCIA, we not only grew in understanding and faith, but we also became a family. We were all so proud to be accepted into the church and receive the Sacraments. What JOY we all experienced.

- Lowry

Being part of the RCIA journey, both as a catechumen and later as a sponsor, was a joy. It was a special experience to come to RCIA classes and share in the beauty of the Catholic faith with others. The videos were illuminating, the catechists were always eager to teach, and best of all were the small group discussions, in which we could engage in reflection with others. Questions were welcomed, and one always has the opportunity to discuss doubts on an individual basis if desired. After the journey is complete one feels like part of a family in faith! Truly a gift.

- Radhika

RCIA completely changed my life! My new found love for the Trinity and ALL that it represents has given me opportunities I never dreamt of. After accepting the Catholic faith into my life, I feel a rebirth, of sorts. With the unconditional love and encouragement of St. Michael's, there are no limits to what I can do through Christ. Lastly, I’ve found new and amazing RCIA brothers and sisters in Christ! I love you all!!!

- LaVonda


The process will look different for each person because we tailor the RCIA journey to your unique circumstances (see below for examples). But, there are a few commonalities:

  • First, you'll start off as an Inquirer. We give you this title to emphasize the fact that you have not yet made any commitments to this new faith - we want you to feel free to explore and discern in a no pressure environment. This stage is geared towards just finding out what Catholicism is all about and see if you'd like to take further steps to join the Church.
  • Once you've decided you'd like to proceed, you'll engage in weekly meetings designed to help you learn about Catholicism and grow your faith. These meetings are a mix of learning (called catechesis) and small group sharing.
  • Throughout your RCIA process, you'll participate in a few rites, or ceremonies, that celebrate your progress throughout your learning and introduce you to the faith community at St. Michael, who we ask to pray for you in a special way throughout your journey. There are also opportunities for retreats and other milestones as you journey towards the reception of the sacraments.
  • Finally, once you have discerned to accept the faith and have been fully catechized by our team, you'll be invited to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and/or Confirmation.
  • Your faith journey doesn't end once you receive the sacraments, however! We encourage you to take part in additional adult formation opportunities after you receive the sacraments and become an involved member of our faith community.


Is there a specific time of year when it begins?
You can begin year-round! Whenever you're ready, we're here.

Does my marriage or living situation matter for becoming Catholic?
To be eligible to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation), candidates/catechumens are asked to be living in a manner consistent with Catholic teachings on marriage. This means that if married, they are in a marriage that is recognized by the Catholic Church, and if unmarried, not cohabitating with another as a romantic partner. If you do not meet these criteria, please do not let this hinder your interest in becoming Catholic - let us help you! Your marriage may be able to be blessed and recognized by the Church, you may be able to find alternate living arrangements while you learn more about the faith, etc.

This is your opportunity to come and see. If you're ready to get started, we would love to welcome you!