Inquiry sessions, known as the Pre-Catechumenate, are ongoing, and you are welcome to join at any time.
A new group will begin in May.
For more information, please contact Bill Burns at bburns@stmcary.org or call 919-468-6111.
OCIA stands for the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, which is the Church's official process for becoming Catholic. It prepares adults to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation), but it is much more than just instruction—it's also a community of fellow disciples discerning and growing together.
The most important thing to remember is that OCIA is a journey of discernment, not a commitment. Your commitment comes when you receive the sacraments and formally accept the faith. Before that, it's a time to explore. There is no pressure to join simply because you attend OCIA; in fact, the purpose is to discern whether this is what God is calling you to and to learn more about Catholic beliefs. The staff at St. Michael and our OCIA volunteers are here to support you throughout this process.

There are countless reasons! It’s hard to narrow it down, but here are five that stand out:
- The Eucharist: You really can’t surpass the gift of Jesus' Body and Blood, offered to you at each Mass. (If you’re new to Catholicism, this might surprise you: Catholics believe that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist— not just spiritually or symbolically, but really and truly present.)
- Tradition: The Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ. Our lineage can be traced directly back to the Last Supper, Passion, and Resurrection, and we get to live out that call in a profound way every day.
- Community: Being part of a faith family that supports you through good times and bad is incredibly powerful. We are made for community, and the Church offers the deepest connection humanity naturally craves.
- The Sacraments: Besides the Eucharist, the other sacraments heal and strengthen us in our unique vocations. There's nothing more beautiful and humbling than committing your life to God or experiencing the life-changing mercy of Jesus through confession.
- Answers: Life can be full of mysteries and challenges. Being Catholic doesn’t mean you have all the answers, but it gives you the resources to seek them and find peace along the way.
Of course, we think being Catholic is amazing—it’s our mission! But what about hearing from regular people, just like you?
I AM....
Welcome! We are filled with joy that you are here: not just because you are considering becoming Catholic, but also because you are having the courage to say "yes" to that still, small voice inside of you that has been nudging you (or badgering you, whatever works) to take this step.
We know that starting from the beginning can seem daunting, but our job is to help you in this discernment process. Converting to Catholicism is a big life step, and so we provide an extensive program to ask your questions, learn about this new faith, and prepare to make that commitment if you choose. It's also a practical journey as well - we want to be sure to provide you with practical tools for living out and sharing this new faith in your daily life as well.
Fun fact: Your official title would be "catechumen," which means "one in whom word echoes" in Greek. You're probably here, looking at this page, because you have felt the Word (God) echoing in your soul, and it's changed you. Like an echo, it keeps returning to you over and over again, prompting you to action.
Once you have been through the OCIA process, you would receive Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation, typically held during the Easter Vigil each year.
Welcome! We are filled with joy that you’re here—not just because you’re considering becoming Catholic, but because you’ve had the courage to say "yes" to that still, small voice inside nudging (or maybe even badgering) you to take this step.
As Catholics, we recognize the validity of baptisms in other Christian denominations. Your OCIA journey is simply a continuation and deepening of the love you already have for Christ. The classes will introduce you to the Catholic faith within the broader context of Christianity, while also exploring the significance of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. Most importantly, this is a space for you to ask any questions and learn more about living this way of life.
Fun fact: Your official title would be "candidate," because you are being called to continual conversion—not just a one-time event!
Once you’ve completed the OCIA process, you’ll receive First Communion and Confirmation, typically celebrated at a special Mass during the Easter season along with other candidates.
We are thrilled that you’ve chosen to complete your Sacraments of Initiation—First Communion and Confirmation—and become fully initiated into the Catholic Church! Through the OCIA process, you’ll explore the deeper meaning of these sacraments, learn about the core pillars of our faith, and most importantly, have the chance to ask any questions you may have about Catholicism.
After completing this process, you’ll receive these sacraments during a special Mass in the Easter season, alongside other candidates.
We are pleased to assist you in completing your Sacrament of Confirmation and becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Since you have already received Baptism and First Eucharist and are actively practicing your faith, you will not need to go through the formal OCIA process. Instead, we offer a separate 10-session program specifically designed for Confirmation preparation.
Our sessions are ongoing and you can join anytime. To get started, please email Bill Burns, Associate Director of Adult Evangelization and Formation, at bburns@stmcary.org.
We’re excited that you want to learn more about your faith! While OCIA may not be the right program for you, we believe our Adult Education offerings provide the perfect opportunity to deepen your understanding of Catholicism. Be sure to check out this page for information on groups and events!

I was a Presbyterian for 60 years before I converted to Catholicism in 2016. Although I have always believed in GOD and the amazing sacrifice that Jesus made for us on the cross, my understanding was not very deep. That began to change with OCIA. I started to see so many connections between events foretold in Old Testament that were fulfilled in the New Testament. The origin of the 7 Sacraments was revealed to me through the scriptures as were practices in the Mass. During our one year of OCIA, we not only grew in understanding and faith, but we also became a family. We were all so proud to be accepted into the church and receive the Sacraments. What JOY we all experienced.
- Lowry
Being part of the OCIA journey, both as a catechumen and later as a sponsor, was a joy. It was a special experience to come to OCIA classes and share in the beauty of the Catholic faith with others. The videos were illuminating, the catechists were always eager to teach, and best of all were the small group discussions, in which we could engage in reflection with others. Questions were welcomed, and one always has the opportunity to discuss doubts on an individual basis if desired. After the journey is complete one feels like part of a family in faith! Truly a gift.
- Radhika
OCIA completely changed my life! My new found love for the Trinity and ALL that it represents has given me opportunities I never dreamt of. After accepting the Catholic faith into my life, I feel a rebirth, of sorts. With the unconditional love and encouragement of St. Michael's, there are no limits to what I can do through Christ. Lastly, I’ve found new and amazing OCIA brothers and sisters in Christ! I love you all!!!
- LaVonda
The OCIA process will look different for each person because we tailor the journey to your unique circumstances (see examples below). However, there are a few common elements:
- Inquirer Stage: You’ll start off as an Inquirer. This title emphasizes that you have not yet made any commitments to this new faith—we want you to feel free to explore and discern in a pressure-free environment. This stage is focused on discovering what Catholicism is all about and determining if you’d like to take further steps to join the Church.
- Weekly Meetings: Once you decide to proceed, you’ll engage in weekly meetings designed to help you learn about Catholicism and grow your faith. These meetings include a mix of catechesis (learning) and small group sharing.
- Rites and Ceremonies: Throughout your OCIA journey, you’ll participate in several rites that celebrate your progress and introduce you to the St. Michael faith community, who will pray for you in a special way during your journey. There will also be opportunities for retreats and other milestones as you prepare for the reception of the sacraments.
- Receiving the Sacraments: Once you’ve discerned your acceptance of the faith and have been fully catechized by our team, you’ll be invited to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion, and/or Confirmation.
- Continued Growth: Your faith journey doesn’t end with the reception of the sacraments! We encourage you to participate in additional adult formation opportunities and become an active member of our faith community.
Is there a specific time of year when it begins?
You can begin year-round! Whenever you’re ready, we’re here for you.
Does my marriage or living situation matter for becoming Catholic?
To be eligible to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation), candidates/catechumens are asked to live in accordance with Catholic teachings on marriage. This means that if married, your marriage must be recognized by the Catholic Church, and if unmarried, you should not be cohabitating with a romantic partner. If you don’t meet these criteria, please don’t let this hinder your interest in becoming Catholic—let us help you! Your marriage may be blessed and recognized by the Church, or we can assist you in finding alternate living arrangements while you learn more about the faith.
This is your opportunity to come and see. If you're ready to get started, we would love to welcome you!