Hi, my name is Carlos (Charlie) Soto, and I am a member of the Pastoral Council at St. Michael.
I participate in discussions and provide input regarding church matters, especially those related to new and existing initiatives. My family and I have been parishioners since 1987, and we’ve been blessed to be a part of this wonderful community.
Professionally, I’ve worked as an Environmental and Quality System Auditor for Medical Device Manufacturers. This background has helped me develop a keen ability to observe and evaluate various systems and projects, which I believe is valuable in my role on the Pastoral Council.
Outside of my council duties, I enjoy activities like chair yoga, playing dominoes, attending plays, sports events, and movies. I also love watching my grandchildren play sports and participate in the Carying Place meal volunteer program. I serve as Vice President of the Home Owners Association, as well.
What I enjoy most about being on the Pastoral Council is the camaraderie, learning, and congenial interactions we have during our discussions. It’s an opportunity to share and grow in our faith, and I find it deeply rewarding.
I’m also active in the Hospitality Ministry and the AAMEN group at St. Michael.