Deacon Patrick Pelkey headshotHello, my name is Deacon Patrick Pelkey, and I am a Deacon here at St. Michael’s. As a deacon, I assist the Pastor in ministering to the needs of the community of St. Michael’s through the liturgy and charitable service.

I have been a parishioner of St. Michael’s since 1989. I was ordained a deacon in 2010 and have been assigned at St. Michael my entire tenure. Throughout my time as a parishioner, I have been involved in many ministries, and I currently direct the Rex Hospital Eucharist Ministry and serve on the parish council.

In addition to my assignment as deacon, I work full-time as an IT project manager. I am looking forward to retiring from my career soon, when I hope to travel more with my wife and enjoy the simple, beautiful things in life. My wife, Lynn, and I have been married since 1976. We have three grown children and one nearly grown grandson.

One of my favorite Bible readings is Psalm 100, 'Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness. Come before him singing for joy.' I enjoy sharing the Eucharist with the community of St. Michael’s, and I look forward to seeing you at Mass soon