Reminder: Join us for our Lenten Fish Fry on Friday, March 28 at 5:00PM in the Parish Center.
The St. Michael the Archangel AAMEN Chapter invites you to support the Diocesan Service Project in observance of the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Diaper Drive. Donate disposable diapers in the original, unopened packaging to be distributed to Dorcas Ministries in Cary. If you prefer, monetary donations, made payable to “Dorcas Ministries” will also be accepted. The items can be dropped off at the parking lot in front of the Archangel Hall gymnasium building from 9am – 1pm.
Reminder: Join us for our Lenten Fish Fry on Friday, March 28 at 5:00PM in the Parish Center.
Reminder: Join us for our Lenten Fish Fry on Friday, March 28 at 5:00PM in the Parish Center.