RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, which is the Church's official process for becoming Catholic. Simply put, it's the way in which we prepare adults to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation), but it's also so much more than just instruction: it's also a community of fellow disciples discerning
Whether you are a cradle Catholic or a newcomer to the Catholic church, join Master Catechist Stella Dreyer, who will lead an introductory course on Catholic practices and their meaning. She will cover gestures, Catholic beliefs, sacraments vs. sacramentals, signs and symbols, sacred vessels, the order of the Mass and more!
Whether you are a cradle Catholic or a newcomer to the Catholic church, join Master Catechist Stella Dreyer, who will lead an introductory course on Catholic practices and their meaning. She will cover gestures, Catholic beliefs, sacraments vs. sacramentals, signs and symbols, sacred vessels, the order of the Mass and more!
For PARENTS ONLY of young children (up to age 10); no child attends. Leading and Loving gives parents the confidence to talk with their child about God’s gift of sexuality and other important topics in an age-appropriate way, even from an early age. It gives a better understanding of the WHY behind what our faith teaches. Format: six hours of
For PARENTS ONLY of young children (up to age 10); no child attends. Leading and Loving gives parents the confidence to talk with their child about God’s gift of sexuality and other important topics in an age-appropriate way, even from an early age. It gives a better understanding of the WHY behind what our faith teaches. Format: six hours of