This sign up covers Tuesday’s and Friday’s in the month of March 2025 during Lent. OVERNIGHT ADORATION (Mar 7 – 8) is also included. Please be sure to note the date as well as the time slot when clicking on the button to sign up.
Please never leave Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament alone! Our goal is to have two (2) adorers for each hour on the schedule. If you are the lone adorer at the end of your hour, please stay until someone else arrives to relieve you.
There is a clipboard with a sign in sheet on the small table near the Confessionals. Please sign in next to your name when you arrive for Adoration.
+ Note that times may vary due to activity in the main church. These changes can be sudden and unscheduled. Thank you for your flexibility.
Thank you for your continued dedication to the St. Michael the Archangel Adoration Ministry.
March 7 – 8, 2025 Overnight Adoration Sign Up:
April 4 -5, 2025 Overnight Adoration Sign Up: