Please join us as we welcome Sr. Renee Mirkes, OSF, PhD, as she unpacks the Encyclical “Humanae Vitae.” Originally published in 1968, Blessed Paul VI’s letter promotes the whole human person in the context of marital love that respects both the spiritual and physical dimensions of man and woman, which is faithful, generous, and life-giving. In this incredible encyclical, Pope Paul VI affirmed that only when we love as God designed, can we experience true freedom and joy.
Sr. Renee, an expert on Humanae Vitae, will identify the seven major themes of the encyclical and its teachings about family planning and how to plan a family in a moral way.
If you want to improve your marriage, regardless of how many years you have been married, you should attend. If you want a happier family life where Christ is at the center of your spousal love, you should attend. If you want to change the culture, instead of ignoring the Moral Law that “doesn’t fit” our culture, you should attend. Whether you are a parent of young children, a young adult, or a grandparent, you don’t want to miss this opportunity.
There is no cost to attend this event. Thank you to the St. Michael Parish St. Gianna Molla Ministry for hosting this event.