Laura Coronilla headshotHello, my name is Laura Coronilla, and I am the St. Michael Parish Receptionist. From Monday-Friday 8:30 am-4:30 pm, you can find me at the front desk in the Trinity Center, where I can help you with your needs as a parishioner or direct you to another staff member.

I have been a parishioner for more than a decade and worked with the youth group and sacramental preparation prior to this role. I am the oldest of three sisters and like to travel to new places with my son and family. We love to try new foods (even though he is a picky eater!).

No matter how hard life gets, I know that it will always get better, which is why my favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:18. The movies War Room and Facing the Giants also help to remind me of this (though I also love the Fast and Furious series too!).

What I enjoy the most about working at St. Michael's is meeting new people and trying to help our parishioners as much as I can. It's a joy working with amazing people that I can call family. Please come and see me in the Trinity Center if there is anything that I can assist you with!

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