Liturgical Ministry: Answer the Call to Serve

Ministry Showcase – February 15-16, 2025: Answer the Call to Serve

The Ministry Showcase at St. Michael Parish is an invitation for parishioners to discover the many ways they can serve in liturgical ministry. These ministries are vital to the life of our parish, and we need volunteers who feel called to offer their time and talents in service to our community. If any of these ministries inspire you, please consider joining and becoming part of something truly meaningful.

Urgent Volunteer Needs

We are especially seeking volunteers for the following ministries:

  • Altar Robe Ministry – Care for the robes worn by our altar servers at Mass.
  • Art and Environment – Help decorate the church for liturgical seasons, especially Easter and Christmas.
  • Hospitality Ministers – Welcome parishioners, assist with seating, and help with collections and bulletins.
  • St. Lucy Guild – Maintain and care for all the candles in the church, including votive candles.

While volunteers are welcome year-round, these ministries are in particular need of new members at this time. Your help can make a significant difference!

Art and Church Environment Ministries

Our Art and Environment Ministry seeks creative and resourceful individuals to decorate the church for various liturgical seasons, especially Christmas and Easter. Altar Cleaning volunteers help maintain the sacred space weekly and before special occasions, while the Altar Robe Ministry cares for the altar server robes used at Mass. We are also looking for more Altar Servers to assist the clergy at all daily and weekend Masses, as well as during Holy Days and special services throughout the year.

Sacramental Support Ministries

Volunteers in Baptism Ministry welcome and support families as they gather for the Sacrament of Baptism on Saturday mornings once a month. Those interested in Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) can help supervise and guide children during the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass throughout the school year. Volunteers for CLOW must complete Safe Environment certification and a background check. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist with the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass and, if desired, may bring Communion to the homebound.

Prayer and Worship Ministries

Join us in Eucharistic Adoration, where adorers are needed for Friday and seasonal Adoration times, as well as monthly overnight Adoration. Funeral Ministry provides compassionate support for families and guests, assisting with setup, service, and cleanup on the day of the funeral Mass. Hospitality Ministers warmly greet parishioners, assist with seating, take up collections, and distribute bulletins while receiving special training to handle emergencies.

Liturgical Support Ministries

The Linen Ministry is responsible for washing and preparing the sacred linens used at Mass. Readers proclaim the Word of God during Mass, and Sacristans prepare the altar and sacred vessels for each liturgy. The St. Lucy Guild maintains the inventory and care of all the candles in the church, including the small red votive candles. If you are tech-savvy, consider volunteering for the Sound System and Livestream Ministry, assisting with sound and video during Mass.

Marriage and Family Ministries

The Wedding Ministry includes mentor couples who guide engaged couples through marriage preparation, as well as Wedding Day Ministry volunteers who offer cheerful support at rehearsals and weddings.

Music Ministries

The Music Ministry is always welcoming new talent! Consider joining one of the choirs: Mass Choirs, Children’s Choir, Gregorian Chant Choir, Handbell Choir, or Schola Choir, or serve as a Cantor. If you have a passion for contemporary praise music, One Heart sings at the Sunday 5:00 PM Mass. The Resurrection Choir provides music for funerals, while our Spanish Music Ministry features several choirs leading music at Spanish Masses throughout the week. We also welcome Instrumentalists! Parishioners who play various instruments—strings, woodwinds, brass, or percussion—are sometimes needed for special concerts and liturgical events, or to add richness and color to the music liturgy.

Answer the Call

We encourage you to prayerfully consider where God is calling you to serve. Each of these ministries plays a significant role in enriching the liturgical life of St. Michael Parish. If you feel inspired to join, please email Alex Hill ( and Jennifer Hebert ( for more information.

We look forward to seeing you at the Ministry Showcase on February 15-16, 2025!