Hello! My name is Samina Pietryka, and I have been a member of St. Michael Parish since 2003 and a member of the Pastoral Council since July 2021.

I graduated from The Catholic University of America with a BS in Nursing. To help pay for tuition, I received an Air Force (AF) ROTC scholarship, and after graduating, I served as an AF nurse for over 8 years, including time in the reserves. After leaving the AF, I spent most of my career in various roles within the pharmaceutical industry. I retired a year ago and am now enjoying more time for hiking, traveling, visiting family and friends, and increasing my ministry involvement.

In addition to serving on the Pastoral Council, I am active in several ministries at St. Michael, including the Adult Choir, Resurrection Choir (where I sing for funerals), co-leading Habitat for Humanity, leading Ride Share, and serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Brookdale Senior Living. I am almost busier now than I was when I was working!

I joined the Pastoral Council because I love our parish and want to do whatever I can to help it remain a welcoming, active community of believers. I enjoy process improvement and “thinking outside the box,” so feel free to challenge me!

I typically attend daily Mass, so please don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to speak.