On June 28th, St. Michael will welcome Fr. John De Guzman to our parish. He received the sacrament of holy orders on June 4, 2022 and is one of the two newest priests for the diocese.
Here is a little about Fr. John:
Who Influenced/Inspired you to Priesthood:
Even before he was my pastor, Monsignor John Williams has inspired me to discern about the vocation to the priesthood. Even before I really knew Monsignor very well, I would still admire his joy, happiness, and peace during Mass, Confessions, Adoration and during the interactions with his parishioners. He had this tranquility and happiness about him whenever he celebrated Mass or conversed about his faith. Without Monsignor Williams, I would not be in the position I am in today.
Favorite Scripture Passage:
1 John 1:9 “If we acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrongdoing.”
Favorite Saint:
St. Jerome. St. Jerome was a Latin Christian priest, historian, and theologian who also became a Doctor of the Church. His translation of the Bible into Latin (the Vulgate) influenced me in my studies of the Latin and Greek languages. These two languages were my strongest classes in high school, from which I learned many interesting things about the history of the classical world and the Catholic Church. As a result, I chose St. Jerome as my Confirmation saint.
(Deacon John De Guzman – St. Thomas More Catholic Church – Chapel Hill, NC (stmchapelhill.org))
An article about his ordination from the Diocese of Raleigh:
‘A powerful moment’: Two ordained to the priesthood | Diocese of Raleigh
Congratulations Father John on your Ordination. Welcome to Saint Michaels and all God’s Blessings on you.
Congratulations Father John on your Ordination. Welcome to Saint Michaels and all God’s Blessings on you.
Father John,
Welcome, so glad you coming to Saint Michael’s!
We are blessed to have you join the parish and look forward to your freshman year here with us.
Good Bless,